Federation HUD

Tiny Empires Federation HUD as an extension to the regular HUD

The Federation HUD gives players a few more and different options than the standard HUD. It demands more attention as well, since the default options for puzzles and choices presented sometimes have negative, not neutral consequences. These penalties for an inattentive or AFK player make it not advisable (at this point anyhow) for a player that often misses turns.

Resource management is the principal added point in Federation game play, as the player adjusts acreage and gold reserves and manages disasters and special options to keep the empire's citizens (not to be confused with subjects) happy, healthy and within the fold.

Please be advised, once one has purchased the Federation HUD, the standard HUD becomes unusable. Should one care to swap back to the standard HUD, they must contact Ultralite Soleil for a refund and re-activation of the standard HUD.